
Workout 3/3

Warm up:

60 Jumping Jacks


2 Rounds of 

15 Air Squats

5 Push Up to Downdog


2 Rounds of

10+10 Bird Dog

10 Duck Squats with KTB


A. 4 Rounds of,

EMOM x 5 For Max Reps

1) Single arm Ktb/Db/Plate/Object Sumo Deadlift High Pull, alternating

2) Burpees

3) Single arm Ktb/Db/plate/object thrusters

4) Lateral Jump Over Object

5) Single arm Ktb/db/object hang clean to overhead*

Rest 2-3 minutes between EMOMS


B. 2 – 3 rounds of:

10 Leg raises (tuck knees)

10 Windshield wipers (5+5)

10 Elbow Plank Arm Reaches (τεντώνεις ένα χέρι μπροστά)

10 Knees to ground from Elbow plank (ακουμπάς γόνατα κάτω και ξανά σηκώνεις  σε σανίδα)

10 Shoulder Taps


Rest 30 to 60 seconds between each round